Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Last Few Days...

Monday was Memorial Day, and our family recognized it in a special way. After dinner, we gathered together as a family and I took a little time to explain the meaning of chivalry and sacrifice, and the important role men have in protecting and defending women and children. Sometimes this duty means that men must fight in wars, and some of these men don’t come home. They lay down their lives to protect their families, so that their enemies will not be able to inflict harm on their wives and children, and so that their homes will be secure.
After this little discussion, we watched a video called “The League of Grateful Sons.” This is a documentary film produced last year by Vision Forum to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the battle of Iwo Jima. The video tells the story of several dozen veterans of that battle who traveled back to Iwo last year with their sons and grandsons to tell them about what they did in the war, and to show them the battleground on which they fought.
The underlying theme of the film was the importance of remembering God’s Providences and the necessity of fathers having a relationship with their children, particularly their sons, and to train them to be strong men. The video also did a good job of developing Psalm 78 as a text for encouraging men to communicate with their children and to instill in them a sense of history.
While I was in Florida for THE WEDDING (about which, more later) I took advantage of the fitness center at the beautiful “hotel with the water.” As I was running on the treadmill there one afternoon, the TV in the fitness center was playing the first part of Saving Private Ryan. Watching the first twenty minutes of that movie while running on a treadmill made my workout seem easy! It is a frighteningly realistic portrayal of the D-Day landing at Normandy – very intense and graphic, not for the faint of heart, and definitely not for small children. Yet, the film, like none other I’ve seen, really makes a person appreciate the sacrifice of those who lived through and too often died in truly horrific fighting conditions, all for the defense of their homes and their way of life.
On a happier note, THE W was really special. I don’t know that I can add anything more to what has already been said, but I will say I was very grateful for the opportunity to be there last weekend. Daughter M accompanied me, and we had a great time! Here are just a couple of pictures. (Maybe M will post some more on her blog.)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Why I like Rush Limbaugh

I don't get to listen to Rush as much as I'd like, but I do enjoy listening to his radio program. One of the things I like best about him is that he is the eternal Optimist! He never lets himself be dragged down by life's circumstances. Thoreau wrote that "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." I've always thought that was a pretty sad assessment of the human condition. Rush proves that it is possible to break out of that cycle of desperation, even the face of political reversals and the madness of the culture wars.
Thanks Rush.

Monday, May 08, 2006

A Feast Report

I had such a wonderful time at Fairwood this past weekend! Daniel and I travelled north to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost and we had a great time. There was a little worry at first when the airline misplaced Daniel's suitcase, but they were kind enough to deliver it to the Main House at 10:30pm that night.
The Lodge was quiet and restful, the weather beautiful, and the fellowship delightful! The meetings were rich with various nuggets mined from Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such there is no law." I came away with a fresh insight into the ministry of the Holy Spirit -- we need Him because none of the fine character traits listed above come naturally to mankind (not to me, anyway). It is the Holy Spirit's fruit that bears these good results in us, if we let Him.
I was especially encouraged by the bright countenances of the Bible School students. I'm sorry I won't be able to return next weekend for the Graduation exercises, but my thoughts and prayers are with them as they venture forth into the next phase of life's adventure.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Two Men From Virgnia

Today is the anniversary of two separate, but notable, events in the lives of two men from Virgina. On this date in 1863, General Stonewall Jackson was mortally wounded in the battle of Chancellorsville.
On a happier note, on this date in 1998, ten miles from Chancellorsville, Timothy L was born. Happy 8th birthday Timothy!!