Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Mysterious Los Lunas Inscription

Maybe some of you have heard of the mysterious rock pictured above, but I only recently learned of it. This rock is located on a remote mountainside in New Mexico, near the village of Los Lunas. Local Indians were aware of the inscription, but were unable to read the mysterious characters. Settlers in the 1850s knew about the site, but were likewise baffled by the apparently ancient writing. Scholars who have examined the rock have agreed that the inscription could easily date back to the period between 1100BC and 600BC. For years, the rock's remote location discouraged tourists and few academics attempted the journey to examine the rock.

Finally, in 1949, a professor from Harvard University made a study of the site. Using his expert knowledge of ancient languages and alphabets, he was able to render the first accurate translation of the mysterious 3000-year -old inscription. The characters were of a style used in ancient Hebrew carvings. And what was the meaning of the mystery message? It is a nearly flawless inscription in the Hebrew language of ... The Ten Commandments.

This is not an urban legend, but a real fact. To read more about the Los Lunas inscription, Click Here.


wideyed said...

wow! innnteresting...

Booker said...

well, look who's around now. Nice post btw...