Monday, January 02, 2006

Back from the frozen North

Yesterday I returned from a refreshing and quite truly divine weekend of fellowship, Bible study, prayer and worship. I wish all my co-religionists could have been there to soak in the truths that were delivered from the pulpit and the love that shone from the faces of those who gathered to welcome the new year together. I told my wife that I was really encouraged by the vitality and enthusiasm of the young men who spoke and the twenty-somethings, teenagers, and youngsters who filled the corridors of the Main House with their joy, laughter, and light. She wept as I told her how encouraging it was to be a part of this lively and committed company of believers . Thank you to all the young and not so young people who helped make the weekend a great success and who brought such encouragement to those of us who shared the time with you.

One of the most pleasant hours of the weekend was my final hour in New Hampshire, riding to the airport. I had the company of two really impressive young men who I enjoyed getting to know better as we rode along the snowy roads together. It is a measure of the confidence I had in these guys that I wasn't the least nervous while being chauferred along by a young man who had only six months earlier received his driver's license!

Now, of course, it's time to go back to the dreaded j-o-b. Well, I don't really dread it, but it does seem awfully dull after all the spiritual energy of the past few days.


drewey fern said...

It was a wonderful weekend indeed. I felt an upward calling stronger than I have in years. What an encouragement!

And I enjoyed your stories Sat morning - I've even re-told the telephone pole, running on the beach in combat boots bit. Ay ay ay.

Claire said...

Hurray! Welcome to the world of blogging! Glad you joined.